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Carbon County Feeds The World

Agriculture is one of the top three industries in the Cowboy State, with cash receipts near $2.0 billion annually. The highest valued commodities in Carbon County are cattle and calves, sheep and lambs and hay.

Photographs courtesy of Pam Meyer and the Iron Creek Bison Company.

Cattle and Calves

Beef cattle production is the biggest part of Wyoming’s agriculture industry. Wyoming’s cattle industry dates back to the middle 1800's when settlers first began crossing and settling the West. For years, Wyoming range cattle have commanded top market value.

The January 1, 2022 inventory of all cattle and calves in Wyoming totaled 1.25 million head. Carbon County has the second largest inventory in Wyoming with 92,000 head, producing $64.6 billion in sales (January 1, 2018 USDA census).

Sheep and Lambs

The high plains and mountain meadows of Wyoming are well-known for producing some of the finest sheep and wool in the world. Wyoming ranks second in the U.S. in wool production and lamb crop. Wyoming wool is some of the finest and most desirable produced in the U.S. fetching some of the highest prices each year.

The January 1, 2022 inventory of all sheep and lambs in Wyoming totaled 330,000 head. Carbon County ranks 13th in the state, producing $1.23 billion in sales (January 1, 2018 USDA census).


Bison are a high-value livestock species that is growing in number and popularity across the United States.

According to the 2017 USDA census, Wyoming's inventory total is 4,303 head, generating $9.79 billion in sales.

The Iron Creek Bison Company calls Carbon County home. This family-operated ranch offers the highest quality, premium bison in the region.


Wyoming hay is known for it's high quality, high protein, leafiness, and excellent feed value. It is shipped throughout the United States and the world for horse and dairy feed.

In 2020, Wyoming produced 2.6 million tons of hay, generating over $449 million. Carbon County produces 87,200 tons of hay. (January 1, 2018 USDA census)

Wide Open Space

Open space is highly valued in Wyoming. According to the 2017 USDA census, Carbon County has 649 agriculture producers. Many cover large areas, contributing to scenic landscapes, wildlife habitat and recreational benefits.

The Public Lands Council (PLC) advocates for western ranchers who preserve our nation’s natural resources while providing vital food and fiber to the nation and the world.

The Wyoming Stock Growers Land Trust works with ranch owners to provide voluntary, private-sector options for agricultural land conservation.

Industry Advocates

The Wyoming Stock Growers Association advocates on issues affecting the cattle industry, Wyoming agriculture and rural community living.

Wyoming Cattlewomen is a group of dedicated individuals who believe that the livestock industry is of basic importance to world existence. Their objective is to develop educational awareness about BEEF and to promote a better understanding of the various roles the beef industry plays in the environment and the national economy.

The Wyoming Beef Council was established in 1971 to serve as the promotion, research and education arm of the Wyoming beef industry.


More Industries

Carbon County's industries are ever-expanding and improving lives across the world.